Sunday, March 21, 2010


Circa 1960
Sitio Dulo will be flooded only if Amorsolo creek will overflow.

And, flood in Dulo was fun!

Along Buendia and Javier street , we waded through the flood. And what fun it was to see and to catch fish (dalag, hito, martiniko and gurame) that swims with the flow of the ankle-deep flood water every time Amorsolo creek overflows.

From the overflowed Amorsolo creek, the flood water flows along Javier street (Fernando street was a deep creek then) going to Medina creek, a 5-meter wide and hip-deep (some portions were chest-deep) creek where fish and kangkong are in abundance.

  • When it rains, we always eagerly anticipate the flood!

Circa 1980
The flood water flows along the same direction, from Amorsolo to Medina, but floating garbage flows along with the knee-deep flood instead of fish!

Politicians come and go, promising to stop the flood from devastating my sitio.

Rico Puno became our #1 councilor because of his promise to solve the problem of flood.

“When elected, residents of Dulo will no longer be afflicted by athletes’ foot because there will be no more flood in Dulo.”

Three (3) terms later, we the residents of Dulo not only suffer from athletes’ foot during rainy season but from kurikong as well. What a comedia by a very good comedian!

So many promises have been made to alleviate the suffering of the residents of Dulo from the devastation of flood. But once elected, promises were gone with the wind of campaign rhetoric!

Every time it rains, hip-deep flood follows with the usual floating garbage!
Some politician knows about the problem but doesn’t CARE to solve it!
Who then can solve the problem of flood in Dulo?

Chairperson Ortega?
Who admitted to grow up with the flood but so helpless to solve it!

Rico Puno?
He should go back to the entertainment stage where he belongs!

Buts Aquino?
If he were not able to solve the problem during his term as congressman, there is no way for me to believe that he could solve it now.

Jun Jun Binay?
For more than 20 years, his parents and him did not lift a finger to “really solve” the problem of flood in Dulo.
How on earth could he solve it now?

Nestor Mercado?
He was with the Binays for so long, and should have known what to do, instead of applying superficial solutions.
I have reservations that he could solve it now.

Erwin Genuino?
How could he solve a problem he doesn’t know exists?
Bangkal is blessed not to have the same problem of Dulo.


Residents of Dulo, are we going to be swayed again by the empty promises of these politicians who promise everything including high heavens during the campaign?

But once elected, it would take a MIRACLE to contact them?

Let us, IN ONE VOICE, ask these candidates what is their solution to ease the flooding of Dulo?

And DO NOT VOTE a candidate WHO will tell you that his solution to the flood of Dulo is to rehabilitate the “tarima” that connects Medina creek to Faraday’s drainage;

  • because for MORE THAN 20 YEARS this has been the SAME OLD PROMISE........!

Besides, rehabilitation of the “tarima” would be an effective solution, only if the drainage of Faraday could accommodate the volume of the flood water that accumulates along Medina creek. Presently, it could not!


Sunday, March 14, 2010


I carry life or death within me,
this little stirring, blind and pushing life form
is the sweet paradox inevitable,
weighing me down with either sorrow or joy.

The joy of knowing that you are there,

The unborn smile of my character,

Is it the face of your fragile mother?

The lovely Nikki of my younger years!

The sorrow of forever not seeing you,

Weigh down my soul forever more!

How I love to see your eyes

Shining on me with full delight!

The eternal flame of love, within me,

The dreams of wading on running streams,

The giggling sound of shrilling laughter,

In my heart desire, in vain it died!

In darkness you wander searching for a home

A pity in sight at the end all alone!

A blank wall at the journey’s end,

You face death all by your own!

Teach me, my little one, the acceptance of pain,
whether death or life is borne within me.

Soothe the aching pain

Of an old man’s dying days!

Wherever you are my little angel,

In the midst of Autumn, Spring, Winter,
and this wild, petal-drifting, sun-dazed May.

I am with you and pray someday,

When I close my eyes,

On my laps you’ll play!

I love you my child…